Creating Space: 21-Day Psychic Meditation Course

meditation course preview

This is a three-week, self-study workshop for those who seek to explore different forms of meditation with Sunlight Oracle as a guide.  This 21-day course is designed to improve connection to the Self as a means of reducing stress, strengthening the intuition, and exploring psychic ability. It's a good reset for returning veterans and a comprehensive introduction for newbies.

Meditation Course Features

✨ Daily Emails 

Daily emails that provide you with a combination of:

🌀 10 guided meditations

⭐️ Exposure to new kinds of meditation

✏️ Journal prompts, worksheets, and more

✨ 12-Minute Video Lecture

About subconscious programming + science-backed research on meditation

✨ 21-Day Calendar

A hand-designed 21-day calendar so you know what's coming, and how much time to carve out for yourself each day (the average amount of time carved out per activity is about 9 minutes)

✨ 24/7 Access to Sunlight Oracle's Email

Reach out to me for all meditation and spiritual awakening questions

Benefits of the Meditation Course

Accountability from your trusted guide, Sunlight Oracle. This means no longer having to search for random meditations on Spotify, YouTube, etc.

Increased knowledge of the Self

Exposure to different forms of meditation to suit your moods and emotional/energetic needs as life rolls onward

✨ The benefits of meditation are truly limitless!!

Meditation Course Notes

This is a great pre-requisite course for any intuition-related work (light work, psychic work, mediumship, artistic flow, etc).